Florist's flower bouquet

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Florist's flower bouquet Flower bouquets Expand

Florist's flower bouquet is a bouquet of your choice. It is possible to choose bouquets of white, pink or yellow tones, either standard size, medium or large.

This bouquet will be an elegant greeting for such celebrations - graduation, greeting of colleagues, name day, birthday, greeting to a loved one.

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58,80 €

Florist's flower bouquet - THE COMPOSITION

Various seasonal flowers in white / pink / yellow tones

Flower packing paper

Decorative tape

White tones - a bouquet with various topical flowers of the season, designed by our florist. The bouquet is made in white tones with various ornamental plants. Such a bouquet will be suitable for name days, congratulations, graduation. The bouquet is complemented with a beautiful package that will make the bouquet look very elegant.

In pink shades - a bouquet with different topical flowers of the season, made by our florist. The bouquet is made in pink tones with various ornamental plants. Such a bouquet will be suitable for birthdays, name days, pleasing a close and dear person. The bouquet is complemented by a beautiful package that will make the bouquet look elegant.

Yellow tones - a bouquet with various topical flowers of the season, made by our florist. The bouquet is made in yellow tones with various ornamental plants. Such a bouquet will be suitable for the days of the word, graduation. The bouquet is complemented with a beautiful package that will make the bouquet look very elegant.

Standard Size - 27 seasonal flowers and plants

Medium Size - 37 seasonal flowers and plants

Large size - 57 season flowers and plants

The composition image is informative. Small changes in flower arrangements and flower bouquets are possible. The color of flowers or the composition of flowers may vary slightly depending on the seasonality of the flowers. Our florists will create the most beautiful floral composition that will preserve the nature of the bouquet shown in the picture. You will be contacted by VIOLET.LV personally for changes in flower arrangements or flower bouquets.

Shipping costs € (eur) in Riga city districts and cities of Latvia.

  1. Old Town (Rīga), Center, Andrejsala, Grizinkalns, Brasa, Skanste - free of charge
  2. Sarkandaugava, Mezaparks, Ciekurkalns, Mezciems - 5
  3. Teika, Jugla, Bergi, Purvciems, Plavnieki, Darzciems - 5
  4. Agenskalns, Kalnciems, Ziepniekkalns, Valdlauci, Kipsala - 5
  5. Imanta, Ilguciems, Dzirciems, Zolitude, Kengarags, Rumbula - 5
  6. Moscow Forshtadt, Tornakalns, Zasulauks - 5
  7. Ulbroka, Dreilini, Milgravis - 6
  8. Vecmilgravis, Jaunciems, Bolderaja, Riga Airport (Rīga - RIX), Marupe - 7
  9. Mangalsala, Balozi - 8
  10. Babite, Pinki, Salaspils, Kekava, Jaunmarupe - 10
  11. Baltezers, Adazi, Silakrogs - 13
  12. Jurmala, Carnikava, Olaine, Ikskile, Vangazi - 15
  13. Jelgava, Ogre, Ropaži, Ozolnieki, Iecava, Saulkrasti - 20
  14. Lielvarde, Sigulda - 25
  15. Tukums, Dobele, Bauska - 30

If you want to order a flowers in a city that is not on the list, we recommend that you contact us to clarify the price by phone +371 20523707. We will find common solutions because we care about the good service and our customers!


Payment for flowers is only possible through the secure payment system Paysera. Payments can be made from almost all countries of the world and possible payment methods - VISA, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO and other cards, Internet banking, Webmoney or Bank transfer.

Ratings and comments from our customers

Leonids V  -  
Спасибо огромное за качественный и очень красивый букет цветов а также за своевременную да оставку! Моя жена в восторге от букета !

Большое Вам спасибо за отзыв!

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