Wishes and greetings on the birthday

Published : 10/14/2019 22:11:29

What is a birthday? Once a year, each of us has a special day, it's our birthday. And as different beliefs and customs of different nations say, birthdays are a must for everyone. This day is special for each of us.

Birthday has great power and magic. This day is each person's personal New Year. This is the day we have come into the world and started our own, individual path. Greetings and wishes are very special.

Birthday wishes

Birthday celebration

Some suggestions for a successful birthday party

1. Make a small birthday party plan

How many guests will you invite?
Need invitations / table cards?
Is there a celebration venue?
Does the party have a dress code?
Plans some activities
Take care of your guests with small commemorative gifts for the event
What decorations are needed?
Creates a party music playlist
Take care of the little party guests

2. Birthday dress code

If you have a dress code for your birthday, make sure it is comfortable and relatively easy for your guests. The theme of the party does not necessarily have to be complete dressing or entering a certain era or style. Sometimes a great result can be achieved when guests need to come with a single item or accessory.

Birthday dress code

3. Place of celebration

Do not overwhelm yourself with the complete decoration of the party venue, but choose a few elements that will give the party venue the atmosphere you need. These can be lit candles, lamp strings, live flowers or any color scheme you choose. These few elements will be able to give the party the atmosphere it needs.

4. Birthday invitations

A written invitation always gives a festive feel. You can always provide all the necessary information there:
The address of the party
The desired gift
Party start time and other details

BVirthday invitations

Birthday greetings and wishes from latvian poetry

Where are those years running?
They fall through thorns and roses.
Wanted to run after them,
Stop time for a moment.
Don't look back,
Head straight ahead.
The years run like wind wings,
Not those alone, not those left,
Years come and years go,
We wish you happiness and joy.

It has to be very, very big,
So that you don't become small somewhere.
But you also need to be so small
Everything beautiful comes from the sun,
All dear - from a human!
May you have a lot of beautiful and lovely!

For your anniversary, it's not autumn,
Because like a flame, it rains through the syringes.
Your language and laughter shine in every hopeless glow.
For your anniversary, it's not autumn,
Because with the soul that has the sun's fingers,
A gray day in silver
You will always make a bright rose!

Touch the blue
Heavenly roof
In the mind, with the soul
So feel it.
Every day,
There would be no life
Not easy, not hard-
Let your heart win happiness.
Every moment
Light filled,
Surrounded by love
And warmed up!

How little we own our time!
Still want to sleep, but the bell rings.
Still wanting to sit down, but the job is getting up.
still want to visit but the train leaves ...
Only in the cradle and in the early days of the children
We can call time ours.

Your most beautiful dream of your youth,
Rosy hopes tin,
And kept deep in your heart,
Let life not burn it!

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