How to keep flowers fresh longer?

Published : 01/30/2019 22:17:25

Carbonated drinks

To keep the flowers fresh for longer time, add few drops of the carbonated drinks such as Sprite or 7-up. The sugar in these drinks will allow the flowers to maintain their beauty longer.

Hair spray

Little bit of hairspray on your flowers, will make them look fresher.

Apple vinegar

If you want to keep flowers fresh for longer time, add two tablespoons of apple vinegar and two tablespoons of sugar in water. When changing water, do not forget to add these ingredients again.


In order to keep the cut flowers longer, add a few drops of vodka and a spoonful of sugar. Change water every other day by adding these ingredients again.


Cut flowers will be fresh longer if you put a copper coin and a spoonful of sugar in the vase. Copper inhibits the growth of bacteria and that will help keep flowers fresh.

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